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by JonL
Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:58 am
Forum: Vitara Specific Tech
Topic: Its time for a new timing belt..
Replies: 5
Views: 8359

Re: Its time for a new timing belt..

Many thanks again I had a quick look yesterday and it looks doable. Need to take the belts off the front (probably replace those too - and thanks for the downloads fine now (must be me!). If it's simply taking off the cambelt covers, lining up the marks, bolting down the fuel pump pully and...
by JonL
Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:38 am
Forum: Vitara Specific Tech
Topic: Its time for a new timing belt..
Replies: 5
Views: 8359

Re: Its time for a new timing belt..

Hi Darrell Many thanks for the reply and thanks for the welcome It's a 2001 and this is the first timing belt change - Low mileage as only just passing 65k - hence why I think it's time to change now - MoT next month and they always rev the nuts off it so recommend a change beforehand if due. I thin...
by JonL
Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:05 pm
Forum: Vitara Specific Tech
Topic: Its time for a new timing belt..
Replies: 5
Views: 8359

Its time for a new timing belt..

Hi I was hoping for a bit of advice on if I should attempt a timing belt change on my wife's 2001 GV 2.0 TD. I've discovered it's an RF engine and have found various suppliers for the belt but the prices vary wildly from £9.99 - £40 for the actual belt and then there's an option to buy a 'kit' which...