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by Ivan
Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:28 am
Forum: General Suzuki
Topic: Identify my samurai
Replies: 2
Views: 4305

Re: Identify my samurai

Hi thanks for your reply, do you think the transition/gearbox is the same, as we have a whining noise accelerating in all gears
by Ivan
Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:56 am
Forum: General Suzuki
Topic: Identify my samurai
Replies: 2
Views: 4305

Identify my samurai

Hi can anyone identify my sammy model. Unfortunately most of the vin plate details have been rubbed away..fuel injected, built by Santana Spain, imported to uk then Grenada West Indies.the seat belts have 95 on them.
I need to bring parts back from the uk.. but need the right ones....thanks