E10 Fuel?

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E10 Fuel?

Post by Rankine » Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:56 pm

Has anyone thought or looked into upgrading there sj fuel components for e10 fuel? I'm rebuilding my sj again and the tanks out may aswell start with lines? Running the spi but not sure what would be involved with upgrades there of easier with a carb again.

Surely can't be to difficult just wondering if anyone else has been pondering about this to?
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Re: E10 Fuel?

Post by ROBBIE » Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:08 pm

Wouldn’t it just be easier to run the new super as it will be called. I had a problem a few years back on a diesel that I put bio in and it destroyed most of the rubber o rings on the injector rail, it was a pain to locate and replace them, so I just went back to normal diesel
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Re: E10 Fuel?

Post by Rankine » Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:00 pm

That is the better option but just incase they get to a point where you can't get it. Like leaded fuel
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Re: E10 Fuel?

Post by donkeychomp » Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:25 pm

What Esso says...

What’s in our Synergy Supreme+ 99 premium petrol
Our Synergy Supreme+ 99 petrol has more cleaning power than our regular petrol – and includes molecules whose job it is to reduce the friction in your engine helping the moving parts work more efficiently.*

Although our pumps have E5 labels on them, our Synergy Supreme+ 99 is actually ethanol free (except, due to technical supply reasons, in Devon, Cornwall, North Wales, North England and Scotland). Legislation requires us to place these E5 labels on pumps that dispense unleaded petrol with ‘up to 5% ethanol’, including those that contain no ethanol, which is why we display them on our Synergy Supreme+ 99 pumps.

There’s currently no requirement for renewable fuel, like ethanol, to be present in super unleaded petrol although this could change in the future, in which case we would comply with any new legislation.

I use this on all my old bikes and would on any old Suzuki.
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Re: E10 Fuel?

Post by Rankine » Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:33 am

So just enjoy the +99 while we can and worry about the rest later
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Re: E10 Fuel?

Post by ROBBIE » Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:19 pm

I was talking to a mate who owns a triumph herald, he had no idea about this happening. So done my good deed for the day
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Re: E10 Fuel?

Post by donkeychomp » Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:17 pm

Nice one! Ethanol is a killer for older engines. Fuel lines especially. Carbs get bunged up. On bikes it's a nightmare as it eats anything plastic (so some petrol tanks can't be used). It also eats tank liners. Amazingly my 2003 Yaris can't use it either. Can't see the point of it at all.
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Re: E10 Fuel?

Post by RUGGEDSZT » Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:48 pm

There is a lot of info on the internet and having read a lot of it i have decided not to risk putting it in my pre 2011 car and i will be using shell V power (99 RON) from now on and will use it in the Vitara.

I found this on another site -

This is from the BBC site, my car is older so even though the Government checker says it can use it i do not trust it, the more i read about this stuff the more convinced i am it will damage older cars.

How will E10 affect my car?
Every petrol vehicle built after 2011 should accept E10.
But it won't be compatible with some older vehicles - as many as 600,000 of those currently on UK roads, the RAC estimates.
And if a car is not compatible with the new fuel, it could damage the engine.

E10 petrol: What is it and can my car run it? - BBC News

How can I be sure I'm OK to use E10?
The government has set up a website where drivers can check whether their car will run on E10 fuel.
But it warns it will not be liable for any damage to vehicles as a result of drivers using its checker - especially if their car has been fitted with replacement parts.

Shell V power -

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