hi there
i am almost finished my snorkel, a home made job, not a work of art by any means and a bit rough around the edges but its still a snorkel. I have one thing stopping it from being finished i have a 65mm pipe in the old 1.3 air filter box, which needs connected to the box ontop of the 1.6 engine which is 60mm.
Ive seen a few bits on ebay that look like what i want but would they are usually 70mm stretch down 10mm to clamp onto the smaller pipe? ... 256wt_1141" onclick=";return false;
i am almost finished my snorkel, a home made job, not a work of art by any means and a bit rough around the edges but its still a snorkel. I have one thing stopping it from being finished i have a 65mm pipe in the old 1.3 air filter box, which needs connected to the box ontop of the 1.6 engine which is 60mm.
Ive seen a few bits on ebay that look like what i want but would they are usually 70mm stretch down 10mm to clamp onto the smaller pipe? ... 256wt_1141" onclick=";return false;
1991 Suzuki Samurai with 1.6 8v engine
2002 Peugeot 406 HDi 110 Executive
2002 Peugeot 406 HDi 110 Executive
- twiss
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Re: snorkel
something like this? ... 5199a7be84" onclick=";return false; ... 5199a7be84" onclick=";return false;
'93 Suzuki Samurai Sport 1.6 16v SU. Virtual lift, spring under, 31s
'93 Maruti Gypsy MG410
"If brute force doesn't fix your problem, you aren't using enough of it."
'93 Suzuki Samurai Sport 1.6 16v SU. Virtual lift, spring under, 31s
'93 Maruti Gypsy MG410
"If brute force doesn't fix your problem, you aren't using enough of it."
Re: snorkel
a reducer would be good but i dont have a big distance for the pipe to go
i havent a recent picture with the engine in, but heres where the 1.3 air filter housing is, and i need to connect a pipe to it from the 1.6 top dish thing.
i havent a recent picture with the engine in, but heres where the 1.3 air filter housing is, and i need to connect a pipe to it from the 1.6 top dish thing.
1991 Suzuki Samurai with 1.6 8v engine
2002 Peugeot 406 HDi 110 Executive
2002 Peugeot 406 HDi 110 Executive
- twiss
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Re: snorkel
Is it an airbox like this one?
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'93 Suzuki Samurai Sport 1.6 16v SU. Virtual lift, spring under, 31s
'93 Maruti Gypsy MG410
"If brute force doesn't fix your problem, you aren't using enough of it."
'93 Suzuki Samurai Sport 1.6 16v SU. Virtual lift, spring under, 31s
'93 Maruti Gypsy MG410
"If brute force doesn't fix your problem, you aren't using enough of it."
Re: snorkel
thats it, connecting it to the other air filter box you seen pictured on the right hand side wing.
1991 Suzuki Samurai with 1.6 8v engine
2002 Peugeot 406 HDi 110 Executive
2002 Peugeot 406 HDi 110 Executive
- twiss
- SCUK Computer Wizard
- Posts: 6110
- Joined: Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:28 pm
- Location: Birkirkara, Malta
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Re: snorkel
What I would do is get some kind of rubber grommet/ring/strip that you can put around the end of the vitara air chamber thing.... (plenum chamber)
Wrap a strip of rubber around it so it's the same size as your pipe... You could put sealant on, wrap around once, more sealent, another wrap around, etc...
Until it's the right size for the hose
Wrap a strip of rubber around it so it's the same size as your pipe... You could put sealant on, wrap around once, more sealent, another wrap around, etc...
Until it's the right size for the hose
'93 Suzuki Samurai Sport 1.6 16v SU. Virtual lift, spring under, 31s
'93 Maruti Gypsy MG410
"If brute force doesn't fix your problem, you aren't using enough of it."
'93 Suzuki Samurai Sport 1.6 16v SU. Virtual lift, spring under, 31s
'93 Maruti Gypsy MG410
"If brute force doesn't fix your problem, you aren't using enough of it."
Re: snorkel
Surely you can get rid of the old 1.3 air box and run the pipe straight into the vitara one. Might give you a bit more space. Id try and get a bit of flexy pipe for the last bit.
86 SJ413 tin top, 1.6 8v, SU carb, YJ spring conversion, virtual lift, 33x12.5x15 KL71's, rocklobster, rear discs, power steering.
Re: snorkel
Thats what I would do, just make sure any other holes like the hot air feed/drain holes are blocked up.ferris wrote:Surely you can get rid of the old 1.3 air box and run the pipe straight into the vitara one. Might give you a bit more space. Id try and get a bit of flexy pipe for the last bit.
Re: snorkel
wrap it in an even layer of insulation tape and keep building it up till the required diamiter thats what i have done in the past