My Jimny

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My Jimny

Post by Kirkynut » Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:46 pm

Hi there,

Those that remember me from the old forum as Rob (Rob+Lindz) will remember that I spoke a bit on the Jimny.

Total Off Road did an article on Rhino Ray's latest Jimny project in late 2008 suggesting that the SJ is dead and that the Jimny is here as it's replacement. I wrote a letter to them and suggested that this was perhaps a little too soon to say and that the SJ may be flagging in numbers but is not quite dead yet.

In 2007 I think it was I bought a standard Jimny and stcuk standard sized All terain tyres on expecting to be able to use it for Greenlaning but then got stuck on the shallowest ruts in the world, due to the radius arms being mounted too low.

Enter my new Jimny:

She has:

A 3 inch KAP spring lift with Procomp Dampers
215/15 Colway MT's on Mangels Alloys
Extended Brake Hoses
KAP uprated tie bars
KAP heavy duty transfer box mounts
TBR Transfer Box Guard
TBR Fuel Tank Guard
CB with ariel mounted on Bits 4 Vits extended spare wheel mount
KAP fixed front hubs (to get around the non working vacuum operated Jimny freewheelers)

She will soon have:

Rock Sliders
Roof Bars to mount waffle boards to

Nothing else will be spent on her as I am saving for a house!!!
RobsJimny4.JPG (78.42 KiB) Viewed 15676 times
Last edited by Kirkynut on Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My Jimny

Post by jim » Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:29 pm

That looks cool, whats it been like offroad?

where are you getting your rocksliders from as I am after some for my Jimny its standard at the moment but wont be for long.

Have you changed the raduis arms ?

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Re: My Jimny

Post by Kirkynut » Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:11 pm

Sorry for the late reply, I did not notice yours and have not been on here for a while!

I think I'll be getting the rocksliders from Darren at KAP and no I've not changed the radius arms.

I have castor corrected radius arms that came with the vehicle but not on it and I've not got roudn to fitting them.

The steering is a little light at speed but not too much and you get used to it. It does self centre and I don't think I'll bother. The only thing is that you can see the springs bending on the front a bit so it may not do them much good in the long term.

Perhaps when funds allow I'll get some proper castor corrected arms or pull my finger out in the warmer weather and fit the bushes!!!

Have a look on and join it. Martin Lines who owns the site has a great deal of knowledge about the humble Jimny.

It's good to hear of more Jimny owners out there as the day that SJ's dissappear is getting closer - not something I want - we still have our 410 - but a fact of life.

It is good off road. Our is limited a bit by the Colway MT's and I feel that they are the only thing to let it down in the really muddy stuff as the radius arms touch down in deep ruts and I think other tyres would keep a little more foward momentum. Our friend's SJ runs Insa Turbo's with similar ground clearance and they get him through when we can't.

I'll not change our tyres though due to the cost and also I use it on the road as my daily - so more aggressive tyres would not be suitable. We only use it on greenlanes and if it still gets stuck with Colway MY's, you have to ask yourself whether you should be driving the lane anyway with the damage to the ground being caused.

Hope this helps and sorry again for the late reply.

Join us on though.


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Re: My Jimny

Post by urbanzook » Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:59 pm

thats a wicked jim wot ya pay?? dont forget about your sammy it loves you. keep them alive

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Re: My Jimny

Post by Kirkynut » Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:56 pm

Hi there,

It was £3k from Darren at KAP witht he basic mods - suspension lift, wheels + tyres. I couldn't have bought a similar quality truck and modded it with new kit myself for that money so I thought I may as well buy it done!

It shares many of the same principles as the SJ, except of course the springs are coils. The front steering knuckles I've re-built and they are sooooo much easier, with far less parts.

The SJ will live on - it needs a bit of open engine surgery - new head gasket - which I have all the bits for and will do when the weather warms up, then we'll continue to use it at out local club pay and play site whenever we can and for lugging mucky loads from home to the tip etc.

The Jimny is the greenlaner now though, with trips to the Lakes from Essex planned late April with friends. The ability to cruise at 60 quietly and comfortably with a good stereo will then come into it's own!!!


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Re: My Jimny

Post by bingen » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:56 am

I can't see your picture, but wanted to ask someone in the forums why my old man emu lift, resulted on a nose down profile for my jimny and I don't even have the winch installed yet?
You sound like someone that has a lot of experience with this suzukis.
I too have the old SJ (84 model) which I regeared with 4.1's and installed a 5 speed, but run 31" mud tires (i think too large for a 1L motor
'11 Jimny 235/75R15 mud terrains, auto trans, ARB rr locker, ARB winch bumper (winch to come) and 2.5" OME lift.
'84 SJ410 31" MUD tires, 5 speed, A/C, 4.1 gears (sold) (open),

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