The battery box is special because the support bracket has to fit under the brake pipes and curve around the wheel arch top...
I am sure there are other anomolies that exist .. My dread is installing an important part that fits but is to the wrong spec and leads to a horror story... So far I have failed to find a drawing showing the square battery box with the 'cranked' bracket. As mine has totally rusted away a picture would be a great help..
My VIN is VSEETV01C01209908 and the engine is G16AS124940 colour Naples Yellow 1590cc 8v I think..
I would love to know which version of EMS is fitted and a photo or diag showing all the various electronic sensor connections to the engine.. As a newbie I just dont know where all the three letter acronym sensors are .. Let alone what the letters mean.. I have just migrated from a Citroen 2cv which didnt even have a distributor.. !! Just bought Peter Russek's book.. Great job by all involved.
Belfast, N Ireland