So, I've had my anus fairly stuck and ripped the front diff off its mounts as you do. When I was fitting a replacement steel diff, i noticed the back plates were jammed up with mud.
Whats peoples views on ripping them off and chucking them in the scrap?
Front disc back plates.
Front disc back plates.
Built with ebay!!!
Re: Front disc back plates.
I just cut the bottom off mine to let the mud and stones out.
2006 Jimny JLX+ 1.3 VVT
2000 Vitara 4u2 - Calmini 3+3, 33" MTs, 5:83 R&Ps, winch bumper, remapped ECU.
1986 Suzuki SJ413K - G16 conversion
1984 Suzuki SJ410 - Blitz
2000 Vitara 4u2 - Calmini 3+3, 33" MTs, 5:83 R&Ps, winch bumper, remapped ECU.
1986 Suzuki SJ413K - G16 conversion
1984 Suzuki SJ410 - Blitz