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Re: funny noise clutch??

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:39 pm
by AshR1
again thanks for info, managed to get other video up throughout the gears from earlier,

27 secs in there is a loud bang thats just a box of bolts falling over lol, but yes going to get in garage soon as possible and get the old girl sorted because in april parting ways with her unfortunately :( ...

Re: funny noise clutch??

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:45 pm
by ScottieJ
Are you sure that bang was something falling over? the noise changes after that happened.

I would get that gearbox out for an inspection. Is there enough oil in the gearbox? something really doesn't sound healthy but I thinks it's more than one issue.

Re: funny noise clutch??

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:52 pm
by AshR1
yes that bang was definitely my box in the back, got nuts bolts screwdrivers ect in there and it happened when i was braking, and the noise changed as i went into third gear, and yes oil levels should be fine, but i have just got a load more so going to drain and change tbox/gearbox and diff (as rear diff is wheeping anyway) oils take it for a quick spin and see if continues.

Re: funny noise clutch??

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:24 pm
by ScottieJ
Tbh I doubt an oil change will help, I would save the oil until you have worked out what it is. However draining a bit of oil into a clean cntainer and inspecting it will show if there's any bearings etc collapsing in the gearbox.