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Re: Green Lane trip - Dover

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:09 am
by Anton
:oops: I've never been laning, so I didn't even think about those points! If I'd heard about this trip, I might even have been tempted to go, and then I'd have been in here being told off too!

Well, what's done is done. Hope you had loads of fun mate, and maybe next time you can organise things a little differently. Maybe one or two of us guys can join you.

Still good to see loads of Zuks out, even if the day was obviously spoiled a little by the inclusion of Rovers... ;)

Re: Green Lane trip - Dover

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:49 pm
by binge
As I said, I didn't really 'organize' the day. It started from a conversation which led onto people from Sussex and Essex joining in.
I've never once heard of big fleets of trucks being a problem. But I will take that on board.
Other than the one point where I had to cross over into the 'fresher' ruts because my clearance wasn't really enough for the original length of byway, I don't really think I broke any 'laws' myself.
Granted, there were probably a few too many trucks. It was more like 3 small convoys as there were a fast group at the front. I like to drive slowly when laning, don't enjoy being bounced around out of my seat.

And as for what we've done, this is extremely well behaved stuff compared to what goes on in Kent.
Our byways have been around for years, I've been riding them on bikes for about 9 years, and now in trucks.
Some of the little 'home made' bits off the byway have been posted off in the past, and within a week, the posts have been ripped out of the ground, and trucks are making tracks through private land again.
What can we do about these people? Fuck all! Because they are all people who don't care, and wont listen to a word anyone says about saving byways.

Re: Green Lane trip - Dover

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:19 am
by Ju
Well it has been pointed out now. There is a high chance we can lose our green lanes in the near future and because of this people take responsible laning very seriously, none is trying to be a dick towards you, so pease don't take any comments as a personal attack.

All that can be done about these people that keep on doing stuff illegally is to take registration numbers and maybe pictures or video, but that can cause confrontation and report them to the authorities.

Also have a read of the articles under the Green Laning tab at the top of this page for some basic laning etiquette.

Re: Green Lane trip - Dover

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:28 pm
by mmac78
wow. Speechless....

Re: Green Lane trip - Dover

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:42 pm
by binge
Another trip to Dover.
Hopefully we've not broken any rules this time...

Re: Green Lane trip - Dover

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:49 pm
by binge

Only 3 trucks this time. ;)

And no Defender and Disco owners out with chain saws.