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Re: Keeping a metal jerry can under the bonnet... dangerous?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 11:38 am
by andyrew
As said above, i myself wouldnt. But it would probably be fine.

Its like welding near a fuel tank, in theory its fine providing its a sealed unit. . . . But theres always the off chance something could go wrong and if it does it could be a bit nasty. So its best to avoid it.

Re: Keeping a metal jerry can under the bonnet... dangerous?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 10:25 pm
by Tramp
My reply was a bit tounge in cheek. Seriously though, I wouldn't put a Jerry can on its side under the bonnet, most petrol containers have vents to allow pressure to escape when the liquid warms up, if its on its side (the only way I can see it fitting) it will have fuel at breather height, so it's more than likely to drip fuel out as the container warms up in the bay. on the other hand, if you had a purpose made tank that was kept tucked out of the way of the exhaust with a suitably positioned breather, then why not? The trabant had its fuel tank mounted ahove the engine

So I think the answer is, its possible, but there are probably better places to keep a Jerry can!