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Re: Engine carbon cleaning?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:08 pm
by andyrew
twiss wrote:I've been told that you can spray small amounts of water (from a mister/spray bottle) into the engine while keeping the revs up and this will de-coke the engine surfaces
Not sure if it's an old wives tale...

This is true. I think it may have been volvo that had designed an engine with this built in. But it never took off.

Ive started and ran breifly my sami on old spice deodorant so while its probably coked up in there i bet it smells nice.

Yes . . i wear old spice, i also like thermals and tea with scones. Sue me.

28 going on 50

Re: Engine carbon cleaning?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:08 am
by Anton
I'd imagine the engine would have to be fully up to temp before doing that. I've heard it works, but never tried it - I can imagine the water vapor causing the crud coating the engine to cool enough to shrink at a different rate to the metal components they're coating. Combined with the sheer speed everything is moving at, it'd cause the crud to break up, theoretically.

Probably worth trying - as long as you don't throw a pint of water down the inlet manifold, it can't hurt the engine.
andyrew wrote:Yes . . i wear old spice, i also like thermals and tea with scones. Sue me.

28 going on 50