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Re: Difflock gone to the dogs !

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:46 pm
by liljitjit
:shock: i do use the term normal loosely. I use diffrs alot but get dis heartened with the sillyness !


Re: Difflock gone to the dogs !

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:25 pm
by Tramp
I use differs alot to, its not the sillyness that bothers me,its more the cliques on there, although saying that there are alot of good blokes on there, and alot of information (even if it might take some time extracting!)


P.S. how do we get into the members lounge on here?

Re: Difflock gone to the dogs !

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:51 pm
by liljitjit
to get in the lounge you have to be in the scuk clique ! only jokin you just need to be here a good while i think?

:P Rich

Re: Difflock gone to the dogs !

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:40 pm
by Zukipilot
urbanzook wrote:i stoped a long time a go as i posted a problem an got told to get a land rover,
or that it was a bag off bolts an to get a new one, thanks difflock.
i love are little but growing community.
I had a similar experience. There is nothing like a SJ. Haven't been on thier site since then

Re: Difflock gone to the dogs !

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:26 pm
by ScottieJ
You do just find that someone says something bad about someones truck or attitude and it all just gets out of hand! All the guys I have met through Difflock though have been good blokes, there's just always gonna be a bit of banter whether its frindly or not on Forums!
Tramp wrote:P.S. how do we get into the members lounge on here?

O0000h i dunno if you'd be allowed in there matey, i mean its not like you were ever on the old forum :twisted: :lol:
Just PM Dan and i'm sure you'll be allowed in, we mainly just use it to try out new ideas etc.!!