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Re: One of my current LJ's
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:17 pm
by juncopartner
Havn't had a chance to look at it yet, just need to sort out a viewing, but its about 70 miles away. Hopefully this weekend, but I have a bedroom to finish decorating, meet up with stepdaughter for a curry and see the 7 month Grandson as well!!!
Re: One of my current LJ's
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:45 pm
by Jordi
I don't think fitting them onto your LJ would be strictly "looking after" the bits Scottie.
More like a long term borrowing.
Re: One of my current LJ's
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:52 pm
by ScottieJ
You see I wouldn't use the bits for mine, I would just build it and enjoy it until he wants it back, at which point I probably wouldn't want to give it back

maybe its not such a good idea looking after one for him, at least it would be returned in 1 piece though

Re: One of my current LJ's
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:59 pm
by Jordi
You could always just rebuild yours. Or give your Dad a hand with the Maruti. Do more on the LWB?
Bit of a glass house, throwing stones comment seen as i'm just on collecting loads of bits and haven't laid a spanner on anything in weeks.
Failing that if you want to work on someones Zuk free of charge i'm sure i can get one of mine shipped down there.