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Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:07 pm
by ScottieJ
What the hell are those springs covered in :lol:

Looks like its time for some new springs in my opinion they don't look too happy!

I would check out everything else and replace if necessary. I think you should treat it all to a strip down, clean and paint as well ;) the 410 deserves it!

Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:08 pm
by Edweird
Jay18 wrote:mine were like that, i got my new springs from
Awesome! That site looks like just the job! Cheers!

And Scottie, they're wrapped in grease tape. Shuts them up and stops them squeaking and stops crap getting between the leaves.

Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:48 pm
by Jordi
Grease tape?

Never heard of that one before. Was that on when you bought it?

They do look tired. A set of springs and shocks will make the world of difference to her.


Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:55 pm
by Edweird
Jordi wrote:Grease tape?

Never heard of that one before. Was that on when you bought it?

They do look tired. A set of springs and shocks will make the world of difference to her.

It was on when I got her but I've come across the stuff before. I'm thinking I might put some more on when she's got her new springs under her.

Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:01 pm
by ScottieJ
I personally wouldn't bother with those wraps, if any crap/water gets in underneath it will hold it in there and also you'll never be able to see if a leaf has snapped!

Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:02 pm
by Edweird
This sort of stuff:

Click Here for Ebay Listing

Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:28 pm
by Jordi
I duno. I'm not sold on the tape stuff. I like to be able to see the springs. Inspect them and see if anything is stuck in them.

See what the condition is when you take it off. Might be fine for road use.


Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:45 pm
by andyrew
springs do look a little on the tired side. but sj springs up front are flat anyways.
maybe see if theres a spring specialist nearby. could be wrong but i sure that leaf springs can be
refurbished / retemperd? may be a cheaper option. or just a decent used set. i polsihed my springs up
and greased between the leaves to make the ride nicer. it worked but needs doing every so often.
someone on difflock mentioned about using plastic barrels cut into strips then placed between the leaves as an option too.

new spring and shock bushes in poly are reasonably priced. tho i do find poly is more prone to squeeking.

to take the rear drum off i usually jack the rear up, take off three wheel nuts and undo the 4 drum bolts , the pull the drum off with the wheel on. make "pulling" easier.

Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:41 am
by Jay18
my old front springs were bent the wrong way so i fitted new ones which were very much curved even when fitted to my zuk, and about a year later they are still nicely curved and the car hasnt dropped at all still sitting at its proper ride hight, best thing i done to my zuki was fit all new springs...

Re: Ed's wagon

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:14 pm
by Edweird
I've had a word with the old man and he reckons I should just order the springs first and we'll have a good close look at the shocks and brakes whilst we're doing that.

He also suggested two things:

Shock bushes and shackle bushes.

He thinks that even if the shocks are okay it might want bushes as they're pretty exposed to the element sunder there.

Do the shackles have a bush on the chassis end? I can't see for looking. Will they come with the springs?