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Re: grinding and a grunging.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:35 pm
by skonna
thanks all for the advice.especially scottie.above and beyond the call mate..
situation is now this.i managed to change the front left bearings. which was a mare. not just as it was my first time but the races were both buggered and the stub axle wasn't too healthy so the races were a sod to get back on.prob should have changed the stub but there you go.lesson learned for next week after doin it all i just checked for play and all seems well...ish.the right wheel also has a small amount of movement..i'm gonna try to tighten the bearings temporarily and change the bearings soon..however ive noticed there is still a pull to the left..much more so under braking..the harder i break the more it swerves.ive checked the calipers and they seem to be moving freely...any ideas..i dont get much time to twiddle but ive got a few put aside tomorrow to try a few things if anyone can thing of things it may be..could it maybe just be a case of wheel balancing or tracking?any ideas the way...i'm pretty new to this SJ malarky and am trying to do as much of the work myself as i can...which i why i went for an all accounts theyre old school motoring with staight down the line mechanics..but feel free to take the piss out of my endeavours :oops: :roll:

Re: grinding and a grunging.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:43 pm
by twiss
maybe you have a collapsed brake line? that would cause more braking on one side for sure

Re: grinding and a grunging.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:02 pm
by Ginger_boy

Just reading your braking to one side problem, you may find that its nothing to do with the front brakes. but the problem possibly is with the opposite to the pull brake on the rear.
I had a similar problems when I had a rear slave leaking, air in one side of the rear lines and the slave piston sized, change the slaves clean all the shoes and drums re-set both drums, blead the brakes and the diving to oneside was cured.
Is more noticeable when a wheel isnt braking properly because of the shortness of the SJ
May be worth a look.