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Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:37 am
by ScottieJ
Eeeerrrrrrrrr more than enough, think you need to drain some its 1.3L :lol:

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:08 am
by Smalljeep
too much oil is better than none i suppose.
although i bet someone will say its worse

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:26 pm
by Henry
It is worse, and the wrong oil is also bad,

A story.

Our JD6610, just serviced it and put universal oil all round. Next thing no drive in any gear. So rev it up flat out for 10 mins to get the vacume, next thing we have drive, but a horrible noise in between packs (6 boxes with 4 packs in each box)

Get the specialist out, using oil that is twice as thick, so i hope thats the problem because gear boxes aint cheap! :bawling:

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:26 pm
by Smalljeep
ah the oils the correct type, its what the motorfactors suggested and the same as the red bottle as shown earlier.
Anyhow its away to the mechanics tommorow. Its getting an engine oil change, sump and rocker gaskets replaced, the gearbox oil sorted, clutch set right and the coolant system looked at. It heated up rather rapidly i believe the the systems airlocked or the thermostat is defective. (but i have a supply of a spare rocker cover, sump, fuel pump, water pump, thermostat) so theres should be no problems.

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:14 pm
by Smalljeep
is this the filler plug on the left?

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 6:12 pm
by ferris
No, its this one on the back of the gearbox. (Sometimes its a normal bolt instead of a square job.)

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:21 pm
by Smalljeep
ah that explains why nothing come out, ill have a go at draining it.

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:52 pm
by Edweird
I found that ratchet drives (1/2 inch etc.) usually fit in those pretty well. Is that what they're made for?

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:35 am
by Henry
Yes they are made for the ratchet drives. Ive welded nuts to the end of mine as i HATE those stupid little square drive things, whats wrong with a simple bolt?

Re: filling gearbox oil

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:13 pm
by Edweird
My brian is telling me that they're less likely to shear?