I feel a bit of a fraud having just joined the Club and already posing a question. But before I ask my question I note that a number of items or queries I've already posted on Difflock are listed in the Subject space - I just typed in SJ410 and up they came! So apologies if you have seen this question before.
Does anybody have experience of running a 410 fitted with an SU carb without the heating pipe from the exhaust flange to the air filter box? Is this pipe really needed for an SU carb - which has only been fitted for a short while so I've not been running the vehicle in typical icing conditions? If it is needed, can you suggest a cheapish alternative to the original Suzuki version (very expensive) - Someone suggested using flexible exhaust hose which is a good idea but it's still fairly expensive (about £40.00).
I've tried the aluminium concertina type hose (not from Halfords but similar) but it only has to have the slightest knock for it to dent and then it sort of destroys itself because the underbonnet temperature softens the "sellotape" type bonding which holds it together.
So having said all that, do I need it, and if so, any cheap or clever alternatives?
SJ410 Carb Heating Pipe
Re: SJ410 Carb Heating Pipe
I've not had any experience running a 410 with an su carb, and I don't know if you need a warm air feed for said carb...
buuut I would say go to a scrappy and rob a warm air pipe which looks about the same length and bore size as the zuki one from another car.

Re: SJ410 Carb Heating Pipe
the warm air pipe you refer to,, does this, when you start a cold engine, the heat from the exhaust manifold is feed up though (drawn by induction) the alloy pipe, into the air box, then the warm air is sucked into the induction system as fuel/air mixture to help the engine warm quicker and prevent iceing, in certain circumstances. if you live anywere near north somerset, i have a pipe off a 410.. andy. oh,, you can run the car ok without it..
Re: SJ410 Carb Heating Pipe
I might take you up on that - where abouts in N. Somerset and what do you want for it?carnut wrote:the warm air pipe you refer to,, does this, when you start a cold engine, the heat from the exhaust manifold is feed up though (drawn by induction) the alloy pipe, into the air box, then the warm air is sucked into the induction system as fuel/air mixture to help the engine warm quicker and prevent iceing, in certain circumstances. if you live anywere near north somerset, i have a pipe off a 410.. andy. oh,, you can run the car ok without it..
Re: SJ410 Carb Heating Pipe
it'll run fine on a nice day but if its cold and wet you prob will have icing problems. i did have one but i cut it down to use on my vit as that suffered from carb freezing too.