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Rust converters

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:01 pm
by Sparrowhawker
Hi guys, hope your all well, Iwas wondering on your thoughts of rust converters. My jimny has some very very light surface rust and i want to sought it before it gets bad. Its not in real visible areas so im thinking of getting something light(ideas), to rub it then put rust converter over it then spray or paint it. ideas on either would be great....
So far ive been adviced on Aqua Steel and tractol ......

Re: Rust converters

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:19 pm
by ScottieJ
Neither....if it's only surface rust just rub it down to remove the rust, you have to paint it either way so get cracking with the sander :lol:

Re: Rust converters

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:48 pm
by andyrew
Ive heard good reviews on jenolite ( think that's how it is spelt)

Wouldn't bother with kurust or using hammerite paint
Its pants.

Re: Rust converters

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:28 am
by Martin86

Re: Rust converters

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:40 pm
by themac
Tried some on farming machines and such (an old bike) and it works and all but there's no point in using it really if you're not after some rust at places where you can't sand, like in inside corners.

I am not sure, but my guess is those rust-replacers/removers are quite high on citric acid and with one heck of a pricetag on it? Citric acid on itself is great for rust and a whole lot cheaper. Some of the oldtimers use it for their equipment like tools but it's when they are REALLY rusty, not for a bit of surface rust. I have used a sandblaster personally and I have pressured washed (with good sucess) away surface rust. Then just a quick feel with a fine sandpaper and a good primer and paint or just hammerlite.