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Repairing rust
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:00 pm
by keyring
As per my progress thread really..
Also going to ask for some pointers as how people would best tackle the rust at the seat mounts/ seat belt mounts, and round the body mount struggling to get the grinder in :( verging on going to be a compressor and a small air grinder!
My plan was to cut the whole seat mount out and reweld it onto the new metal, also, for doing the floor in the footwell, am i better to shape this or is using just flat sheet fine?
Anywhere, here are the photos:
So yeah, any help would be appreciated!
Re: Repairing rust
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:27 am
by gamble63
with your seat mount if it was me id cut the whole half of the red box part out as neat as i could with a 1mm blade and then cut the rust out and build it back up and put the mount back in, mark where it came out with some cuts etc
Re: Repairing rust
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:56 am
by keyring
Cheers dude! That's what i was thinking myself, wish it was easier to get the grinder it, but I think i'll just need to try and persevere! At least until i've got myself a compressor and small air grinder
Re: Repairing rust
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:16 am
by gamble63
the foot wells i found were easier to cut along the body mount struts from underneath to mark them and then cut what was left out from the inside. I spent alot of time trying to un skin parts rather than cut them out sometimes worked out easier on parts of the foot well. Are you side sills in good nick as if you replaced them at the same time you could have more room to cut.
I also got bored of trying to weld shit metal to good metal so would tend to cut much more out that was needed, then worry i could not patch it haha.
this was the passengers foot well and body mount area before and after if it helps:
this was with the sill completely off allowing better access:
started patching:

Re: Repairing rust
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:11 pm
by Fwb2700
That's not much rust I have had to make whole new floors and body mounts lol.
Good job it's bloody hard work removing rust and just as u think u got it all more magically appears
Re: Repairing rust
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 8:14 pm
by keyring
Good shout! Not done anything this week due to the nice weather, but shall try cutting it out from the bottom

Cheers guys!