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Turning body over?

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:19 am
by andyrew
Hey dudes.

So my recently acquired samurai soft top is yet another rusted out POS. MOT patches
And bullshit fibreglass repairs mostly.

So far this week I've put on box sills and vl on the rear arch's and rebuilt the rear inner
Corners and rear floor edge. I'm on a roll but now I've come to both front bodymounts
And the drivers side rear mount. This is very very rotton and needs loads cutting back for good metal. So the body's coming off. I've managed so far to not warp the arch's
And quarters and kept its pretty reasonable original paint unmarked. Don't get me wrong its got dings and scratches but overall its pretty tidy looking.

I plan to flip the body upside down and work on it this way to prevent any damage to
The quarters. I'm thinking of rolling the body over on the rear end with sponge
And all sorts of soft stuff strapped to the rear corners.

Anyone see any issues doing it this way?

Re: Turning body over?

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:41 pm
by r-nottz
My mate flipped his on to a arrangement of tyres and a couple of old mattresses/sofa sponge that he got from the local tip, worked a treat.

Re: Turning body over?

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:23 am
by ScottieJ
I've put a fair few bodies on their sides on tyres without causing any damage.