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SJ410 Fuel Sender Bolts Anyone Know The Correct Size Please?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 3:56 pm
by SherwoodNash
Before I pull out my fuel tank and replace the fuel sender, I want to buy some new bolts in advance, anyone know the 'M' size and length of the 5 bolts please?



Re: SJ410 Fuel Sender Bolts Anyone Know The Correct Size Ple

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:38 pm
by andyrew
Just checked a tank here that doesnt have a sender fitted.

M5 and the depth of the holes is 5mm. So id guess with the sender
Plus gasket. So id say a m5 x 10 or 8.

My advice is to get underneath and soak the bolts that hold the tank up with oil. They can become stuck in the captive nuts and be a right pig to removed. And the captive nuts can shear of and just spin.

Re: SJ410 Fuel Sender Bolts Anyone Know The Correct Size Ple

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:22 pm
by SherwoodNash
Great! thanks for the info.

Yup, I made a start on the bolts, I WD40'd them yesterday, loosened three of them, one to go (gingerly!).

It all started when I filled the tank to the top after a long while putting only small amounts in up to a 1/4 full.

The gauge went dead, I know they can be repaired but thought just go for new. Whilst groping about on top of tank I broke off the corroded fuel return pipe, both ends!


No room to repair through that side gap with wheel off, so the whole tank's coming out and going back Monday week, in one hit.

Got to take out all that fuel now, thank gawd the original tanks have the 22mm drain plug, yay!