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Crankshaft Pulley

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:05 pm
by Publis.enigma
Newly registered, but been using the forum for several years for great info.

I am hoping somebody may be able to help me. I have just been replacing the Cam Belt on my Samurai and managed to shear some teeth off the Crankshaft Pulley Gear (I know, I know!!) :argh:

Has anybody got a spare that they are willing to sell?

Just to confirm its the actual gear that the belt goes around.

Help it's only been a day and I am lost without it!! :salute:

Cambridge/Norfolk Area

Re: Crankshaft Pulley

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:25 pm
by ScottieJ
What were you doing to shear teeth off a crankshaft pulley??

All you have to do is slip a belt off and slip a belt on lol

Can you post a pic, I’ve probably got a spare but need to verify it’s the right one.

Just a note. The crank bolt has to be done up very very tight.

Re: Crankshaft Pulley

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:27 pm
by Publis.enigma
I know the bolt is tight . . . too tight in my case!!!

I had to take it off to replace the leaking seal behind it.

It is the 20 tooth gear.

I will take a pic in the morning.

Thanks for your help.


Re: Crankshaft Pulley

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:32 pm
by Publis.enigma
Here we go!

Re: Crankshaft Pulley

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:21 pm
by timwilks13
That's impressive, when you think you've seen it all!