Anti roll bar stabiliser

All tech relating to the Suzuki Vitara that won't relate to any other models, Front IFS etc.
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Anti roll bar stabiliser

Post by RichyP » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:34 pm

Yesterday while driving off the field onto the track while turning felt something give way on the drivers side while going over a rut. Had a quick look under the car but was caked in mud after being on the field so slowly limped it home luckily just round the corner. Cleaned it up (in a fashion!) under the arch and found the problem.
The bolt on the anti roll bar stabiliser had pulled through the washer/cup and gone straight through the bush. Got a replacement and fitted it earlier today easy enough (2 jacks and improvision apologies to any one strict on the health and safety side of things normally I take the car to my relatives with a proper pit!)
Drives fine now but wondered if something else could've caused this anything else I should check?

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