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Once it was a Samurai ! Brake problem.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:14 pm
by rabbit
Hi Guys, I`m converting my Samurai to a Midge Mk2, I`m at the stage of finishing the brakes the front bled fine giving a good hard pedal, but I can`t get any fluid to the rear wheels ! What am I doing wrong ? I attach a picture of a unit that`s under the rear body, what is it please ?
Sorry if I`m dense here but I can`t see it in the Haynes Manual.
Also attached are a couple of pics showing the current state of play.
Many thanks, Dave.

Re: Once it was a Samurai ! Brake problem.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:37 pm
Looks good mate. I do believe it is the bias valve, gives less force going to the rear. I could be wrong so hopefully someone else will back me up or prove me wrong haha

Re: Once it was a Samurai ! Brake problem.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:20 pm
by d_r_1989
It's a bias valve, to stop too much pressure going to the drums. When converting to discs you can do away with it.
Can't say if that's your issue though, I guess crack a pipe in turn either side to see

Re: Once it was a Samurai ! Brake problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:29 am
by maxaret
It is a brake pressure proportioning valve - you cannot really remove it completely as it is designed to stop the rear wheels locking up under normal braking.
Many years ago I had trouble with one of these valves on a mini,the pressure control spring inside the valve had weakened or broken and whenever I tried to use the rear brakes the valve shut completely off,I could actually hear the valve 'click' shut.I don't know if the Suzi valve is a similar design but it could be a similar problem.