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rocklobster! where?? also 4low pops out :(

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:06 pm
by mathewh09
fitted another transfer box today it had a transmission brake on it but i swapped the flanges this ones loads better but pops out of 4low :argh: any one had this before ?
im really thinking about getting a rocklobster as i can only poodle about in 1st offroad
sooo where or who sells the gears heard a name rockwalt looking through the forum also wat have people paid for these cheers matt

Re: rocklobster! where?? also 4low pops out :(

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:52 am
by twiss
I know it sounds stupid, but make sure the gaiter is the right way around. :roll:

Mine keeps popping out at the minute, but I haven't bothered turning the gaiter around yet lol

Re: rocklobster! where?? also 4low pops out :(

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:39 pm
by ScottieJ
this could be caused by a number of things. I'll start with the easy fixes then move onto worse case scenarios :lol:

were all the mounts ok when you fitted it? Arms bent? is the lever hitting the bodywork? Try swapping the shifter bush (pull the lever out and the bush it sits on) with the one from your old tbox. Could be a broken/missing detent ball on one of the selector shafts? (perhaps someone has stripped the case and not put it back together properly in the past?) Des it grind when it pos out? There could be a problem with the front output shaft;it might have broken? Alot of US guys have had this problem and found that shimming the front input stops it happening.

You'll find Rockwatt in the recomended traders section. Just PM him for prices and details about getting a rocklobster built.
