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Slightly backwards.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:06 pm
by Edweird
This section's for engines that aren't running right. I think mine's running a little too well, and I'm concerned that I might have broken something.

On the dual carriageway on the way out of Sc**thorpe, I was thrashing the old girl somewhat: road rage thanks to a bald guy in Seat Ibiza FR that cut me up, I should know better, I know. ;)

Anyway, he seemed pretty determined to be out of there and Suzi gave up at 75mph ( 8-) And people say SJ's are slow 8-) ). I was still being an angry fool and kept my foot to the floor, forcing Suzi to hold 70mph up Motlash hill. When we got to the top Baldy Ibiza was out of sight and I'd calmed down, so I backed down to 45mph and merged with the traffic.

Within the next minute or so the temperature guage nosedived down to it's resting position, to which I slowed down to 40 or less on subsiquent roads until I got to my friend's barn, even though it came back up again within another minute or so.

I checked the fluid level when I stopped and that was normal, no steam or spray in the engine bay, and when I drove home a couple of hours later everything seemed okay.

I know it was stupid, asking so much of the old girl, and I'm worried as to if something might have broken, or could it have just been a delayed reaction from the engine needing less cooling to the thermostat closing?

Thanks guys,

Eddie "humble" Tear :oops:

Re: Slightly backwards.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:08 pm
by Henry
id take it as a little sj thing.

If it aint broke dont fix it....

Oh and who put the cnut in Sc**thorp? :twisted:

Re: Slightly backwards.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:14 pm
by ScottieJ
Yeah unless it starts spitting out the coolant and overheating on a regular basis you've got nothing to worry about, the little 970s are shit hot little motors and will rev and rev and rev! They are pretty bomb proof! The temp prob just went up because you were giving it some for a while then once you calmed down it dropped back to normal. Any engine working hard will get a bit hotter than usual.

Could just be a tempermental sender unit that caused it to drop to much on the dial or like you said just that the water cooled faster than the thermostat could close?

I wouldn't worry! Unless it starts hitting the red at the opposite end of the guage.

Re: Slightly backwards.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:36 pm
by Edweird
Okay, cool. I just didn't want to risk frying the poor little thing, but all seems well and everywhere that should have fluid does have fluid, so I guess take it a bit easier and keep an eye for a while. T'a' v'ry much. :D