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Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:36 am
by urbanzook
hi all the cold has taken is toll on my anus went out to start her an there was no life in her, :cry:
so i give her a push an she started yay just a flat battery so i leave her to run up a charge an get warm. :roll:
ok she has run for 10min or so ill turn her off an start her just to make sure its all good last thing i want was to push it home :lol:
oh there is no go ok ill test the battery with my v meter wow 17.6v with no loom on an is only a 12v battery :?: :?:
ok ill crank it as there is more charge than needed.
on firing the starter dropped to 3.6v
so i start to think my battery has got high resistance.
just to check i started her an tested her again the battery was sittin at 17v i then put everything on lights cb heater etc.
an she droped down to 12v then back up to 14v but after 5min my battery light come on the dash and park and oil light well they flickered give it some revs and they went out, drop them and after a min they come back on. so i test the battery an it was down to 10v and dropping. so i turned everything off an watched, it stopped at 7.5v for a bit then started dropping till it stalled.

hum help im no electrition but i do have a understanding of cars an there electrics and i understand this is not good and my guess is its the altenator.

Re: testing

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:59 am
by Tramp
yeah sounds like the alternater isnt charging properly, and it might have damaged your battery now to, try charging your battery up having another go, your battery should be at about 12.5v when fully charged, your charging circuit should be charging at about 13.5v to test your battery connect it up, take the 6 plugs out of the top of the battery (where you fill up with water) and turn the engine over, if one of the cells starts smoking (just abit of mist) one of your cells is f**ked and its game over for the battery


Re: testing

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:18 pm
by dan_2k_uk
sounds like the alternator to me.

Re: testing

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:49 pm
by bourneyo
Yea sounds like the altinator is overcharging your battery. I have a couple of spares, if you need one send me a PM.

Dan 8-)

Re: testing

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:57 pm
by Kirkynut
Yep, the regulator in the alternator is not regulating very well anymore and is frying your battery.

You may end up having to buy a new battery too but you might have got awaywith it!


Re: testing

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:20 pm
by liljitjit
:shock: oh dear sounds like alternator > I have fried mine cos im a tit and forgot to disconect battery whilst welding doh! but from experience with cars it does sound like it isnt chrging or regulating.
any one got a spare one close to me ?(cheap as chips theres a crunch on!) sorry for hijack......

Re: testing

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:22 pm
by urbanzook
iv sorted out a new alto yer will be hir monday an i exchanged my bat as it was fried 2.
duz any one no how to wier up the alto. wot gos wear??? as i wanna do a way with to loom
an put my own in as mine has bin mest up a bit by old owners iv fixed a lot off it but i wanna start