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Russ' Engine conversion progress

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:45 pm
by twiss
Right, as russ doesn't really post... I thought I would steal his pictures! hahaha

We've been putting a 1600 engine in his zuk not using an adapter plate.
Haven't got that many photos though as I can't find my camera.

This is the 1.6 going in...
299485_10150879728555602_585420601_21345523_851301316_n.jpg (79.42 KiB) Viewed 2411 times
.... and this is my "sharpening my nails" as russ says.
You'll have to excuse the poor regard for safety using the grinder, but we we're on the very last bit of the disc and needed to trim some bolts down the size!
The cover just got in the way!!
294444_10150879951610602_585420601_21347740_1783950928_n.jpg (47.16 KiB) Viewed 2411 times

Re: Russ' Engine conversion progress

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:05 pm
by turbo-tom
looking good , atleast i wasnt the only one taking engines out of sj's today :P

see the last pic elth and safety went straight out the window :lol: :lol: