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Should a wing be this hard to get off

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:15 am
by Smalljeep
My sammy has a large rust hole on the drivers side wing, so i decided to take it out a while ago, but even after taking out all the bolts i couldn't get it off easily, i have not got an angle grinder right now so ended up using a dremel with cutting attachment.
Here is the damage though:

Here are the areas i had to cut at:

And more rust behind the wing :bawling:

Is there any other way to remove the wing of the samurai?

Re: Should a wing be this hard to get off

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:43 am
by dan_2k_uk
I had to rip off those little tab bits that go to the outside of the body tub when i did mine.

There should be three bolts under the arch and 2 behind the battery tray holding the inner wing on.

Maybe the body bolt at the front but I cant remember whether its through the wing or grille.


Re: Should a wing be this hard to get off

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:02 pm
by Smalljeep
Ah yes i see the others now, so the wing actually is the wheel arch aswell.
I don't really want to take this off then because at the moment at least it holds in the battery and a bit of plywood is keeping the water out.

Are good condition wings hard to come by?

Re: Should a wing be this hard to get off

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:12 pm
by dan_2k_uk
When they left the factory the inner and outer arch were all one piece.

Nowadays most of them seem to have seperated :hahaha: :hahaha:

To do a decent repair you really should attach the 2 back together.

I wouldnt worry about weather getting in there.

Dunno how hard it would be to find a new one. Im sure a reasonable front clip (the whole front end) wouldnt set you back to much if you can find someone that is breaking a decent one.

Can you weld?


Re: Should a wing be this hard to get off

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:02 pm
by Smalljeep
I think i might do a max max style repair and get some plywood, cut it to shape, and see what it looks like. Its just that the rest of the bodywork is in crap condition and all i really need is something to keep the battery in place.
I can't weld unfortunately, which would be good around the suzuki, although the chassis is all in good order, with the vitaras i had before it was the opposite. :S