weber install help
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:40 pm
Hi all,
I'm pretty new to this machine still and would really love some help with the weber I just swapped into my SJ413. I want to make sure that I have it all connected up right before I try to tune it. After a quick spin its noticeably improved but wants to cut out when I stop. Great bargain for 60E used! So here goes, the following is a list of photos with connections I made and the questions I have. Its complicated for me because the weber manual I looked at has an auto choke, which mine doesn't, and the Aisin I removed had the auto choke removed so harder to see what goes where. I'm not sure which model weber it is exactly. I got the weber installed on a manifold so swapped out the whole lot.
1. This is what I removed:

2. Here is the weber:

3. I reconnected these hoses as they were:

4. And the same with this one:

5. I also put this one back as it was running from the air line on the old manifold:

6. Here's the fuel line:

7. I connected the vacuum advance of the dist here. I'll need a longer hose me thinks. I wonder what this does and whether it has something to do with the choke or not?

8. I hooked up this spade connector:

9. Now I am wondering what these connect to. Studying it now I guess the white one goes to the idle cut off solinoid on the weber (see pic below)? And the green one? Do I need to transfer the connector for this on the manifold, as seen in the first pic?

11. Then what do I do with this?:

12. And this?:

13. Do I leave this guy capped off?:

14. What about this yella fella?:

15. Finally I'm wondering about these two holes, there are no threads or anything in there and dunno if they need to be capped off?:

Hopefully thats thorough enough to see whether I have gone wrong anywhere and would be grateful if anybody could point out any errors or suggestions. The truck was running smokey and not holding a charge properly maybe due to alternator, but I hope I can get it right as rain now with the help of the weber!
I'm pretty new to this machine still and would really love some help with the weber I just swapped into my SJ413. I want to make sure that I have it all connected up right before I try to tune it. After a quick spin its noticeably improved but wants to cut out when I stop. Great bargain for 60E used! So here goes, the following is a list of photos with connections I made and the questions I have. Its complicated for me because the weber manual I looked at has an auto choke, which mine doesn't, and the Aisin I removed had the auto choke removed so harder to see what goes where. I'm not sure which model weber it is exactly. I got the weber installed on a manifold so swapped out the whole lot.
1. This is what I removed:

2. Here is the weber:

3. I reconnected these hoses as they were:

4. And the same with this one:

5. I also put this one back as it was running from the air line on the old manifold:

6. Here's the fuel line:

7. I connected the vacuum advance of the dist here. I'll need a longer hose me thinks. I wonder what this does and whether it has something to do with the choke or not?

8. I hooked up this spade connector:

9. Now I am wondering what these connect to. Studying it now I guess the white one goes to the idle cut off solinoid on the weber (see pic below)? And the green one? Do I need to transfer the connector for this on the manifold, as seen in the first pic?


11. Then what do I do with this?:

12. And this?:

13. Do I leave this guy capped off?:

14. What about this yella fella?:

15. Finally I'm wondering about these two holes, there are no threads or anything in there and dunno if they need to be capped off?:

Hopefully thats thorough enough to see whether I have gone wrong anywhere and would be grateful if anybody could point out any errors or suggestions. The truck was running smokey and not holding a charge properly maybe due to alternator, but I hope I can get it right as rain now with the help of the weber!