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Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:04 pm
Santana 2door vit soft top 99 jx4u2 ltd edition. Am following peter russek book but am a bit stuck.. Have removed exhaust downpipe. Have uncoupled rear drive shaft and pulled away. Disconneded clutch cable .. Having probs getting to all the gearbox to engine bolts partic on upper right, off side. Cant see any way to get at starter motor from top.. Do I really need to remove?? Incredibly cluttered on upper off side rear of engine with brake servo and all the rest..
Next will be gbox support bracket but with no experience of vits am relying on my stupidity which is so strong it is causing probs.. I have a very useful wheeled dolly (not the wife..

so i hope to lower gbox onto it and roll it back.. Have removed gear levers and so I cant pretend I am making progress by doing other parts of the job.. Have got the vit on 4 axel stands so no ramp and no pit. Belly just touches the front suspension cross support as I trolly in under.. Scary at first but at least wife knows I am there if I get stuck..

Any tips advice or encouragement really appreciated..
I really dont mind if you laugh at me.. Honestly..

Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:46 pm
by dan_2k_uk
Starter will have to be removed or it will foul the flywheel when you try to seperate them.
If you really cant get to the bolts I would remove whatever is in the way.
Cant speak for the Vit too much but as its quite similar to the sj the bolts shouldnt be that hard to get to!
Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:52 pm
by Highlander
On Samurais I usually take the top gearbox bolts out from the nearside top with a small ratchet and socket.
Starter, I usually use combi spanners, it is fiddly but you will find the way

Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:57 pm
by dan_2k_uk
A good variety of tools is always helpfull.
Ive got one of these and theres always something in there that can get the fiddly bits done.

Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:50 pm
by Highlander
I've got one of these
its not really mine but i have it in the workshop just now

Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:35 pm
He guys .. Your advice and encouragement has really worked.. The starter is out the gbox is unbolted from the engine and the gbox support brackets are off... So now the gbox is resting on two jacks...
In the absence of a custom gbox jack I thought that several bags of sand on a 4 wheeled dolly might do the job.. I still have to pick up the courage to "slide the gbox and transfer box out to the rear" as the book says..
What is the best way to slide it out.. I thought a few sacks of sand would guard against a sudden drop.. And maybe the judicious use of a screw driver between the engine and gearbox.. Does it take grunt to separate or should it slide out.. What about the forward drive shaft.. Does it drop before or after the gbox separates?
Thanks again for the virtual support..
Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:58 pm
by dan_2k_uk
Dont know about the forward drive shaft as I have no experience of a vit box but some wiggleing rocking and pulling should do the trick. Make sure you have removed the little guard at the bottom of the bellhousing or it will stop it coming away.
Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:20 pm
Thanks Dan .. Will check in the morning before starting..
Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:06 am
by vitara_mad
i presume you drained the transfer box oil ????
just unbolt the front prop from the diff & slide it out of the transfer box its the easyest way
use a ratchet strap from engine to somewhere on front of the vit to support engine & stop it from trying to tip backwards that will make it a little easyer to seperate the box
i would not try to lift box of yourself by hand its heavy & may end up on top of you & it will hurt
why are you taking it off ?????
Re: Getting stuck halfway thru gearbox removal HELP pse ....
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:02 pm
Job done.. 8 new bearings in gbox .. Strip and rebuild 280 pounds .. New clutch and refit crank seal and outer bearing. No probs back on road.. Thanks to all for support