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new owner needing info
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:43 pm
by plugspanner
hi all
just got my new vitara and it has done 70+k miles, is there a timing chain/belt that should be changed at this mileage, i have no service records and no nothing about previous owner and servicing, it looks like it also has a small oil leak from the rear of the cam cover is this normal?
thanks for your help.
Re: new owner needing info
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:21 pm
by ScottieJ
The leak at the back of the head is more thank likely the dizzy housing seal and/or o-ring.
These engines are non-interference so if you wanted you could just wait until the belt snaps
The kits with a belt and tensioner are cheap enough and it's easy to do so I would do it for piece of mind

Re: new owner needing info
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:53 pm
by plugspanner
thanks for the info.
i will go through it all once i get key and see if it runs.
it sounds ok when it is turning over, but there does seem a lot of oil about on the block ect now i have had a better look.
i will do the cam belt anyway for piece of mind as well as an oil change ect.
Re: new owner needing info
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:43 am
Have been on same learning curve as yourself.. Just six months ahead of you. There is an excellent howto series of pictures on replacing the distributor drive O rings but first besureto mark theposition of the distributor soas not to loose thetiming position.. That is probably the oil leakat the rear top of the engine. If youare replacing thevalve cover gasket be sure that there is equal overlap allround as the locating boltshave quitea lot of slack.. I used a piece of bottle cork as a guage and market it to ensure that the gasket overlap was thesame at each side and towards the front and rear. This ensures the gasketdoes not get pinched. No rtv or sealer is required just clean really well.
Ifyou cant find the pics of the distrib drive O rings give me an email at
Here is the picture link ... #271649159
Re: new owner needing info
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:06 pm
by plugspanner
many thanks, a great picture 'how to'
i remember my old bedford cf cam cover gasket used to leak like a sieve onto the exhaust so it always smelled of oil.
i had to use loads of instant gasket on that engine!
i will try that out
Re: new owner needing info
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:09 pm
by plugspanner
it runs, it runs! thank god