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Replacing brake pipes

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:40 pm
by HuwJones
Hi guys.
Over the weekends i'll be doing some jobs on the suzuki at work (It's handy having a workplace with pits which are exactly the right width for a suzuki and nice maneger!).
Have anybody got some tips on replacing brake pipes?
I've got all of the bits. I'm planning on replacing more or less everything, apart from the felxibles that go between the chassis and axle, they were replaced two years ago by the previous owner.

Re: Replacing brake pipes

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:53 pm
by dunnin21
Im no mechanic by a long way, i bought a cheap flaring kit off fleebay and just gave it ago. it quite a straight forward job just make sure your flairs are nice and neet then they shouldn't be any leaks when you nip them up. Also member to put the union on before you flair the end, sounds like a no brainier but easy to forget when it the first time

Re: Replacing brake pipes

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:49 am
by dannytrigger
what size unions do you require mate?