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Greetings and forum rules. Please read.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:36 am
by bourneyo
Hello Suzuki fans, and welcome to the new home of suzukiclubuk. This is just a greeting to all our new members, and the old ones that have made it over from the old forum. The site and the forum will remain in a constant state of change for the coming weeks and months, so if you’ve any constructive criticisms get in contact!

Below are a set of ‘house’ rules, for your sake, and ours please follow them, and we will all have a nice environment to chill out relax and do what we do best, talk about our beloved Suzuki SJ’s!

1. NO ABUSIVE OR OFFENSIVE POSTS. These will be deleted or locked and you will be given a warning. This includes Personal messages.

2. NO PORNOGRAPHY. It may be considered upsetting or offensives by other members, keep it for your personal use. It’s also against our contract terms of use.

3. RESPECT OTHERS OPINIONS - if your asking for some advice or opinions then be prepared that not everyone will have something good to say about it, if your posting a opinion please word it carefully and consider the other peoples views as well as your own.

4. NO FLAMING. Please don’t flame other peoples work, constructive criticism is acceptable. This includes other forums & websites.


If we follow these rules it will result in a nice environment.

People who push the rules in most cases will be given a warning and have restrictions placed on their account, three strikes and your out! In more severe cases your account will be deleted without warning!

The admin teams decision is final.

Thanks for your time, Dan