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vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:46 pm
by upjakscreek
Just sat here bored and wondering... What engines have been put in a vitara and pushing some decent numbers.
im wondering what else could be done if I lose the 4wd and stick with rear wheel on the road.
iv love a girly looking vit with loads of power to suprise some sports car drivers.

used to have a mk4 golf turbo with 270bhp and 360ftlb. And suprised alot of expensive car drivers
just a bored thought!!!


Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:21 pm
by Jordi
Years ago Suzi Qs made a ford cosworth hybrid LWB Vit.

Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:42 pm
by upjakscreek
Oh really, il have to have a look at that :)

Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:32 pm
by upjakscreek
I see someone put a v12 jag engine in a vit, cant see pictures though :/ sounds easy enough

Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:04 pm
by ScottieJ
What sort of bhp are you looking for?

a gv2000 2.0 16v is a fairly easy swap, it's what I'm putting in my SJ with a vit gearbox, not the most powerful at 126bhp but I'm sure you could get some good power out of one with some tuning.

Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:57 pm
by upjakscreek
not looking really yet but was just wondering what fits in the chassis and body, then if i see an engine come up cheap iv got an idea as to what will go in.

gv 2000 you say? is it a 4 cyl 2.0?

126 sounds better than what is there now i guess, il keep an eye out for when you do that, should be interesting.

thanks scottie

Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:10 pm
by dan_2k_uk
Heres a good start for fast Vit ideas


Let me have a go when you've finished it!


Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:58 pm
by ScottieJ
upjakscreek wrote:not looking really yet but was just wondering what fits in the chassis and body, then if i see an engine come up cheap iv got an idea as to what will go in.

gv 2000 you say? is it a 4 cyl 2.0?

126 sounds better than what is there now i guess, il keep an eye out for when you do that, should be interesting.

thanks scottie
Yes it's the J20A 4 cyl 2.0, hopefully ill get started in a few months, I'm in the process of stripping down the donor vehicle :mrgreen:

Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:01 am
by Edweird
If you're willing to go a bit further afield the mid-late 90s Vauxhall engines are pretty good.

The X20XEV, reliable as all hell and still pumps 136bhp and 136lb-ft of torque.
There's the two C20 monsters. The well known 'Red-Top' C20XE, with 150 brake and damn near 200lb-ft of torque.
And of course the C20LET. Used to make Cavaliers fly that engine. Basically a red-top turbo, upping it to 200 brake and 210 lb-ft.

Pretty sure all of those will mate up to a Carlton gearbox.

If you want something a bit bigger there's also the X25XE and X30XE V6 engines. They're from Omegas but I think you could still fit them to a Carlton gearbox.

You can blame my dad for my freakish knowledge of 90s Vauxhalls.

Re: vitara engine options

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:56 am
by upjakscreek
Oh yea, didnt think vauxall, 2.0 rt on tbs sounds nice, mate had one in a corsa, wouldnt need all the managment then either :D, just sorting the mountings I suppose, do I need to ask if a 413 transfer box would bolt up to a Carlton box lol, they seem to fit everything :)

thanks, gave me asomething else to look at.
