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Exhaust Manifold

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 11:27 pm
by HuwJones
Hi guys,
I'm looking for a SJ 410 exhaust manifold, would anyone happen to have one they could part with? My current one has been cracked for a while, and it's just started to 'whistle' so it's getting on my nerves! Would a SJ 413 part fit the 410 engine?
I'd like to repair it, but i don't want to risk dammaging it further and making it unusable, since i use the car to get to work and back every day. Once i get another one bolted on, i'll have a go at fixing the broken one.
Huw Jones

Re: Exhaust Manifold

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:24 am
by Jordi
410s are quite different to the 1.3s. Its a wonder Scott hasn't got one kicking about somewhere.

Timwilks might have a one coming up for grabs as he is gonna be fitting a
1300 to his SJ at some point m