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RHZ vacuum lines

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:00 pm
by Darrell
Thought I may as well post it after going through the bother of doing it.
A chap on difflock was asking where all the vacuum pipes went after he had removed them.
I did post up just the parts diagram as that's all I could find at the time.
Later that night I managed to find the workshop manual for this engine so did a much better diagram.
He never replied "Typical Difflock" :evil:
It would be far to small on there anyway, tossing little picture size.
So here it is for the one other person on the planet that may ask the same question ;)

Re: RHZ vacuum lines

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:57 am
by Darrell
Just to add
This is the Grand Vitara 2.0l diesel engine - Peugeot 8v SOHC.

RF= SOHC 8v Mazda engine
RHZ= SOHC 8v Peugeot engine
RHW= DOHC 16v Peugeot engine

Hope thats right ;)