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Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:41 pm
by evans797
Well after quite a spell (due to illness and lack of cash) my 1991 LWB is finally receiving some long needed attention. Ok, so apart from considerable welding and body work repairs, (going to tackle this once she is driveable) this is the list of faults found so far:

Head gasket- knackered (the oil looked more like anti-freeze) when dropped. So in the process of stripping down and then off for a skim.
Valves- we'll see once the head is off (fingers crossed)
Timing belt- shot
Choke- faulty- always shut
Thermostat- stuck open
Rear Diff- (there's a bucket of spanners in there somewhere) a re-build needed
Battery- dead- now replaced
Various hoses, filters etc. shot or wrong type fitted by previous owner/s
Steering- seems Ok
Brakes -working -ish. Not been over 20mph in her so far (and that was pushing it-given the rear diff) so not much chance of a decent test, visually Ok
Clutch- seems Ok
Gearbox and transfer box-Ok
Water pump, fuel pump and filters-Ok
Electrics- mostly Ok
Rear wash/wipe (bag split)
Seat belts- Ok
Heater not tested as not been able to get her warm yet.
Drivers window winder mechanism -knackered, passenger side Ok
Door cards-just about Ok but will probably re-do at some point
Rear seats, not fitted at present but Ok
GRP load bay body- a few dents and cracks but Ok-fixable
Fixing points for above- rusty and need work
Removable cab roof-Ok
Rear door and glass-Ok
Wheels and Camac tyres all good
Exhaust seems Ok but hard to hear over the diff noise!
Chassis- looks Ok
Front inner wings-rough
Front floor pan- Ok
Bonnet and outer wings, grill, bull bar all Ok
Windscreen Ok
Wipers Ok (new blades needed)
Sills- well there may have been some once, now mostly the plastic trims are all that's left
Rear floor pan- a few mouse and rat holes here and there
Rear wheel arches- much as the front-lots of daylight.

Bought on ebay unseen last summer so plenty to be getting on with as expected. I will try to post some pics as we go along.

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:59 pm
by ScottieJ
:doublethumbs: :welcome: to :suzuki: club UK

Really looking forward to this build, I have a bit of a soft spot for lwb sjs! I love them!

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:28 pm
by evans797
Hi Scottie J.

I will try not to disappoint. I'm not attempting a full restoration. I just want her sound, and running well before I drive her over to Greece where I'm going to keep her as a work horse for a building project. I'm a big fan of the LWB's too, which was why I bought her unseen. There are so few around these days and it's such a practical and versatile little truck. I couldn't resist! Can't wait to drive around in the sunshine with the roof down and the windscreen folded flat. Is this a mid life crisis thing-I wonder.

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:53 pm
by Jordi
Love the list, very comprehensive. Looking forward to the build.

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:06 pm
by dan_2k_uk
Looks like you've got plenty to be getting on with :thumbup:

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:19 pm
by donkeychomp
You might need a step ladder to get in.... :hahaha:

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:32 pm
by evans797
Today's update...
Cam shaft-knackered

Anyone got some recommendations for parts suppliers?

Need a rear diff bearing kit and a cam shaft

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:59 pm
by turbo-tom
Welcome. Regarding the camshaft doubt you will be able to get a "new" one. Probably best getting another engine or possible someone might have a head for sale.

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:55 pm
I have an old 1.6 head in the shed

Re: Samurai 413 LWB repairs underway at last.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:48 pm
by kiwizook
are there not new performance camshaft's available?