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by Stillgoing
Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:39 pm
Forum: Engine
Topic: 2002 Grand Vitara 1.6SE
Replies: 0
Views: 8735

2002 Grand Vitara 1.6SE

Hi everybody, thanks for having me along. I have just discovered this forum as an English owner of a 2002 Grand Vitara 1.6SE. I have owned the car for several years now and it has been faultless. It has now just rolled over the 100,000 miles but until recently has given me few problems: a rear wheel...
by Stillgoing
Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:12 pm
Forum: New members
Topic: Welcome: Please read
Replies: 87
Views: 383657

Re: Welcome: Please read

Hi everybody, thanks for having me along. I have just discovered this forum as an English owner of a 2002 Grand Vitara 1.6SE. I have owned the car for several years now and it has been faultless. It has now just rolled over the 100,000 miles. I'm hoping to be able to exchange some knowledge and expe...