Hello to all!
I'm mere moments away from acquiring a mid eighties SJ410 (Santana?) a runner which appears to be a bargain, so I thought I'd join and immerse myself in what is sure to be a font of knowledge and off-road loveliness! I'm a complete non-tarmac virgin so be gentle, also in much anticipation of being able to explore the natural park on my doorstep from a whole new angle. Regards, Boris the spider.
Imminent SJ owner!
Re: Imminent SJ owner!
Welcome pal, where abouts are you? I was the same before getting my suzuki never been off the beaten track now I'd never go back to a normal car!
Re: Imminent SJ owner!
Southern Spain, hence the lack of corrosion but also the lack of any previous maintenance. You win some you lose some! Have some seriously good trails and tracks virtually on my doorstep, off limits to quads and bikes but not, strangely, off roaders. Winner!
Re: Imminent SJ owner!
Sounds good toodlepip definitely some fun in the sun on the cards can imagine theres some trails round there 
Re: Imminent SJ owner!
Indeed. Not sure of the green laning and off road site scene as of yet, but will be doing some digging for sure.
Re: Imminent SJ owner!
Be good to see some pics I bet they'll be some cracking trials over there