Lobby Your MP - Don't Let Greenlaning Become Illegal
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:14 pm
You are probably all aware of the potential impact of the proposed "deregulation bill". If you're not, you need to read about it pretty quickly. It's been covered in Total Offroad and is covered quite a bit on the Green Lane Association Facebook page.
You may remember that when NERC came in in 2006, a large number of routes (approximately 50%) were closed to motor vehicles, thus significantly reducing the number of available places we could drive the vehicles we all care so much about.
You may also be familiar with a number of the rambling communities which are actively trying to highjack the deregulation bill. GLEAM (think of them as like the SS of the rambling community), are trying to make it so that the deregulation bill removes all vehicular rights of way to BOATS.
If this happens, there would be no more public-access off roading. For any of us.
Fortunately there are a number of organisations which are working in our favour (GLASS, Tread Lightly, LARA, TRF etc) but they don't get much support.
The people who want us kicked off the byways are far more active than those of us that wish to maintain access to them.
I don't know what the answer to all this is but I can tell you what I'll be doing, in the hope it leads any of the rest of the offroading community to follow suit.
I will be writing to my MP and explaining why she should support maintained vehicular rights of way.
These will include points about:
Historical use.
Benefits to the economy.
Access for the disabled.
Responsible recreational use.
Fair access to the countryside.
etc etc
I will also ask her to define her official position on public rights of way, making it clear that I will only vote for candidates that support vehicular access to BOATS. There are currently a number of MPs engaged in consultation over the deregulation bill but there is almost no discussion with members of the offroading community compared to discussion with people from the rambling community. This means that the consultation will be very heavily weighted against us unless we speak up.
I know Scottie insists that members of this club don't bring it's name into disrepute by going "off piste" and by following appropriate codes of conduct when laning. This is really important as anything stupid that 4x4 owners do gives more ammunition to those that want to kick us off the lanes.
When I use Salisbury Plain, I have actually stopped a few times to talk to land wardens to see if there are any areas in particular that they would prefer I avoided due to over use. In most cases they are actually really cool. I have spoken to one of the head land wardens a couple of times and he actually laughed and joked with me, encouraging me to try and make it through a 4ft water trough.
He just asked me to stay off the airfield as the MOD were getting pissed off with large groups of Land Rovers ripping it up. If you give them reason to do so, they will TRO the lanes.
I've joined GLASS as they legally challenge byway closures.
Anyway, I would encourage you to write to your MP and express the same sentiment I have detailed above. I was going to make a downloadable template so all you had to do was sign your name on it and post it but the letters will carry much more weight if they are individually written.
LARA have produced a fact sheet which gives some great pointers to include. You can view it here:
http://www.alrc.co.uk/downloads/deregul ... tsheet.pdf
Don't know which MP is supposed to represent your consituency in parliament? This website will tell you by entering your postcode:
"Public apathy is more powerful than public opinion. There's more of it." ~ Dr Jim Boren
If we are apathetic and don't do anything to protect our way of life, then the antis will continue to gain traction and more lanes will be TRO'd.
I really don't want to sound like a pariah, I just know that for many of us offroading is more than just a hobby, it's a big part of our lives and I want to protect that.
You are probably all aware of the potential impact of the proposed "deregulation bill". If you're not, you need to read about it pretty quickly. It's been covered in Total Offroad and is covered quite a bit on the Green Lane Association Facebook page.
You may remember that when NERC came in in 2006, a large number of routes (approximately 50%) were closed to motor vehicles, thus significantly reducing the number of available places we could drive the vehicles we all care so much about.
You may also be familiar with a number of the rambling communities which are actively trying to highjack the deregulation bill. GLEAM (think of them as like the SS of the rambling community), are trying to make it so that the deregulation bill removes all vehicular rights of way to BOATS.
If this happens, there would be no more public-access off roading. For any of us.
Fortunately there are a number of organisations which are working in our favour (GLASS, Tread Lightly, LARA, TRF etc) but they don't get much support.
The people who want us kicked off the byways are far more active than those of us that wish to maintain access to them.
I don't know what the answer to all this is but I can tell you what I'll be doing, in the hope it leads any of the rest of the offroading community to follow suit.
I will be writing to my MP and explaining why she should support maintained vehicular rights of way.
These will include points about:
Historical use.
Benefits to the economy.
Access for the disabled.
Responsible recreational use.
Fair access to the countryside.
etc etc
I will also ask her to define her official position on public rights of way, making it clear that I will only vote for candidates that support vehicular access to BOATS. There are currently a number of MPs engaged in consultation over the deregulation bill but there is almost no discussion with members of the offroading community compared to discussion with people from the rambling community. This means that the consultation will be very heavily weighted against us unless we speak up.
I know Scottie insists that members of this club don't bring it's name into disrepute by going "off piste" and by following appropriate codes of conduct when laning. This is really important as anything stupid that 4x4 owners do gives more ammunition to those that want to kick us off the lanes.
When I use Salisbury Plain, I have actually stopped a few times to talk to land wardens to see if there are any areas in particular that they would prefer I avoided due to over use. In most cases they are actually really cool. I have spoken to one of the head land wardens a couple of times and he actually laughed and joked with me, encouraging me to try and make it through a 4ft water trough.
He just asked me to stay off the airfield as the MOD were getting pissed off with large groups of Land Rovers ripping it up. If you give them reason to do so, they will TRO the lanes.
I've joined GLASS as they legally challenge byway closures.
Anyway, I would encourage you to write to your MP and express the same sentiment I have detailed above. I was going to make a downloadable template so all you had to do was sign your name on it and post it but the letters will carry much more weight if they are individually written.
LARA have produced a fact sheet which gives some great pointers to include. You can view it here:
http://www.alrc.co.uk/downloads/deregul ... tsheet.pdf
Don't know which MP is supposed to represent your consituency in parliament? This website will tell you by entering your postcode:
"Public apathy is more powerful than public opinion. There's more of it." ~ Dr Jim Boren
If we are apathetic and don't do anything to protect our way of life, then the antis will continue to gain traction and more lanes will be TRO'd.
I really don't want to sound like a pariah, I just know that for many of us offroading is more than just a hobby, it's a big part of our lives and I want to protect that.