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Kent Green Laning tomorrow

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:06 pm
by binge
Late notice I know, but I wasn't sure if the SJ would have been fixed today or not.
Me and a friend are taking the Zooks down to Holly Hill tomorrow, It's a permit site, not amazing, but will be a nice day out.
Gonna go find somewhere for breakfast and then hit the lanes.

Give us a shout if you're local. Would be good to meet some new people.

Re: Kent Green Laning tomorrow

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:19 pm
by binge
Well, turned out to be another awesome day. No break downs this time. Shame this hobby/sport seems so dead. I see projects, builds and mods, all day, every day. But not one truck out of a weekend.

Passed a small group of Land Rover boys on a narrow lane but they were more worried about scratching their paint work while squeezing past us. The only other off-roaders we saw were quads and bikers. So tempted to sell up and buy another YZF450, at least I have people to ride with then! :hahaha:


Re: Kent Green Laning tomorrow

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:33 pm
by twiss
It's not really dead round here there's a group of six of u a that have been going out recently
Off road sites pretty busy