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Hello from that smoldering place!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:01 pm
by Fiatsuzuki
Not really a Suzuki owner but a fan. I have joined this forum to gather info on the F10a engine and specifically the cylinder head. I'm in the process of converting a Fiat 903cc OHV motor into a single overhead cam engine using an F10a cylinder head. I'm not the first to do this but it is a fairly daunting task. Basically the Fiat motor revolves anticlockwise and the Suzuki head almost fits backwards so the camshaft will be rotating the right way.
Just got my Fiat crankshaft back from the shop yesterday. I am using the stock Suzuki conrods and pistons and managed to pick up an extra .030 of stroke increase with an offset grind. Engine will end up 929ccs or therabouts.

Re: Hello from that smoldering place!

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 9:25 pm
by Anton
Brilliant project! Pics?

Also, welcome to the forum!