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vitara free hub & disc brake clipper...

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:07 am
by malie
hi guys...

Does vitara free hub and vitara disc brake clipper fit to the SJ410 front axle?? :?: :roll:
my SJ410 still using drum brake and didnt used free hub... :cry:

Malie :mrgreen:

Re: vitara free hub & disc brake clipper...

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:27 pm
by ScottieJ
the calipers & caliper mopunts bolt straight on but you need to take them off and hold them vrtical to blled them as the bleed nipples end up on the side when mounted on an sj axle so air gets trapped in the top of the calliper. I think vit freewheeling hubs should fit too!