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Help serious white smoke issue at wits end

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:11 pm
by tonsky
Please can anybody help with suggestions.

Bruce is a 413 SJ K Reg Samurai

Billowing white smoke out of the exhaust, have replaced Carb, head gasket set, manifold inlet and a coople of other parts still Bruce not working correctly any ideas?

It has been suggested maybe i have a cracked manifold, basically somewhere oil, water or coolant is getting in and i wondered if anyone had found anything quirky with there sj's that could help fix the smoke problem

Live in Alton, Hants if anyone in local area can help

At wits end i just want to drive my SJ

Happy to take video and post if this would allow people to see / hear the problem

Re: Help serious white smoke issue at wits end

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:55 pm
by Edweird
Firstly, and please don't be offended; are you sure it's not just because of the cold weather? Until mine gets properly hot it gives off a fair bit of steam in the current climate.

If it's white smoke it's almost certainly coolant. Oil gives blue smoke and excess fuel black smoke.

Problem could be in lots of places. Head gasket, inlet manifold, cylinder head, or block mainly.

I think a compression test might tell you if the leak is on a specific cylinder. If it's on one cylinder it's not the manifold. Next step would be to do the head gasket.

That's all I can think of. One of the golden 'S' boys will probably give you a better answer.

[Edit] Sorry, just re-read and it says you've done the gasket.

Re: Help serious white smoke issue at wits end

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:17 pm
by ScottieJ
When you did the headgasket did you have the head surface checked for flatness and/or skimmed and pressure tested?

Is it misfiring? If you pull the plugs out are any of them 'washed'?