Possibly the 'old gals' last trip tomorrow...........

All tech relating to the Suzuki Vitara that won't relate to any other models, Front IFS etc.
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Possibly the 'old gals' last trip tomorrow...........

Post by RickUK » Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:13 pm

Well my faithful old Vitara LWB looks like it will take its last long term trip tomorrow,its never missed a beat and although the V6 lump fires on all cylinders and still moves under its own power,when i started it up this morning too take the old dog for his morning walk,it chucked out the dreaded old blue smoke in a big way,but must admit it did clear up after say 20-30 seconds running and the smoke goes away.

But a couple of times i went out today to do some local shopping and the same thing happened again the blue smoke,gut feeling tells me its possibly the oil seals on the valves,but when one takes into account the expense of buying a head gasket set and the timing chains which do rattle a little when cold.the maths just dont add up for the old gal.So decided to cut and run as they say,its a shame but decided to treat myself to a BMW X5 on a 59 plate 3ltr turbo diesel,so tomorrow i am hoping it will get me to Nottingham and back so the wife can bring the new truck back.Its a fair amount of money but should do for a few years,but the other half still wants a new Jimny,so will be looking at one of those as well.

It will be a shame to see the old bus go but it happens to all motors i guess in the end :cry:

A sad day for sure,but the new X5 is pure bliss to drive,very much like someone else on the forum driving his Discovery :hahaha:
SJ413 tinwormed to the great car grave yard in the sky.
Vitara LWB V6 engine deceased and also in the great grave yard in the sky.
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Re: Possibly the 'old gals' last trip tomorrow...........

Post by Anton » Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:03 pm


No chance of dropping a cheap motor in from a breakers etc?
1985 SJ413VX (SJ50V) with SPOA, rear disc brakes, 31x10.5R15 Kaiman Malatesta tyres, an MOT and a lot left to do!

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Re: Possibly the 'old gals' last trip tomorrow...........

Post by ScottieJ » Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:26 pm

Could be something as simple as a stuck pcv valve so I would check that first.

You might be able to change the valve stem oil seals without taking the head off as well, not 100% sure with the v6 but I bet it's not impossible
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Re: Possibly the 'old gals' last trip tomorrow...........

Post by RickUK » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:33 am

I wont go in the crusher yet,but i will be picking the new set of wheels up tomorrow,the tyres are 'huge' 315/35/20 and aint cheap either as luck would have it they are brand new,but will take a look at the old Vit in the next couple of weeks,cannot be asked when a car becomes un-reliable,my days of being in a bloody cold and damp workshop repairing cars are long gone lol

If its just what Scottie has suggested then i may keep it for local work,but her indoors wants it off the drive as she hates it.
SJ413 tinwormed to the great car grave yard in the sky.
Vitara LWB V6 engine deceased and also in the great grave yard in the sky.
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Re: Possibly the 'old gals' last trip tomorrow...........

Post by andyrew » Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:53 pm

Could be a blocked breather or pcv valve as scottie said,
Youve already got new wheels so its not worth spending on the vit but if a a little investigation sorts or improves it then it could make selling it easier.

Even if it smokes a bit a running vit can always be used off road so they are always worth a few pounds. I certainly wouldnt scrap it.
Andys Rusty Suzuki Emporium

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