So a little while back I borrowed some money and got this for £1500:
26k on the clock, in good shape apart from a few spots on the bodywork. Brakes are binding slightly, I need to put some silicone grease on the sliders, the front seats are a wee bit tatty.
Now, the reason why I stole Jordi's thread name is because I live in London, and I didn't know at the time I bought this thing that in October 2021 the Ultra Low Emissions Zone will swallow all of London, and it'll cost me £18 per day to drive this thing. Same goes for the Ford.
Diesels have to conform to Euro 6, petrols to Euro 4. This means I cannot drive either of my Suzuki's in London or my Ford (which is Euro 4, but a Diesel) in a little under 2 years.

Ok, so a recent MRI shows my backbone is basically shot, so owning a Sammy is a bad idea anyway, but still, it'd be nice not to be forced into a corner like this.
So plan now is... I guess SPUA it and sell it. Got good condition original seats lined up for it, as well as a 413 tcase (it's got a 410 at the mo) and standard wheels/tyres. Would like to sort out the bodywork (it's been tubbed in the back because of rot in the arches. Looks like a fairly good job, but they've made a mess of the bodywork whilst welding it). Get rid of the snorkel. Give it a general tidy and then perhaps it'll pay for a Euro 5 petrol car of some kind, or maybe just borrow some more and jump to a cheap EV (I don't want a Euro 4. I know it's good enough for now, but I'm willing to bet that by the time october 2021 rolls around, they'll be announcing that in 2023 only Euro 5 petrol cars will be allowed).
I have to admit, I'm a bit annoyed at all this, I'm not really well enough to mess about trying to get a new car right now!!!