Tyre Kicker

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Tyre Kicker

Post by Bignose » Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:50 am


I have just been to look at an Lj 80 that I want to buy, but when I went for a test drive, noticed a couple of things, the steering seemed quite heavy but it does have the standard rims with off road tyres that look like tractor tyres, the clutch was pretty fierce and the brake pedal was a little higher than the accelerator and with my big feet, I did find it a little difficult moving to the brake, are all these things normal. The car had been stood for a long time but fired on the second key turn, and I do love it. Any feedback would be most appreciated as I do love it.

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Re: Tyre Kicker

Post by Anton » Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:18 pm


I don't know much about LJ's, I've never even driven one. SJ steering can feel a tiny bit heavy even with standard tyres as it has no power steering. Big tyres and it gets real heavy. Maybe LJ's are the same. Don't know anything about LJ clutches, pedals etc, sorry!
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Re: Tyre Kicker

Post by Bignose » Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:12 am

Thanks for the reply and the heads up up on the steering issue.

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Re: Tyre Kicker

Post by ScottieJ » Wed Jun 12, 2019 1:37 pm

Standard LJ steering kinda sucks but that’s one of the things that makes them great :lol: you can make the steering less prone to bump steer by changing the steering link set up.

Clutch might just need a bit of love, could be a sticky cable or the release bearing sticking on the shaft, or it could be that you are just used to a modern car with nice and light hydraulic clutches :lol:

Brakes again kinda suck being drums all round with no brake servo. It’s pretty easy to convert to Sj brakes and I would recommend it unless you want it 100% standard.

They are super easy to work on and I wouldn’t let any of those things put you off as they are easily sorted.
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Re: Tyre Kicker

Post by Bignose » Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:15 pm

Thankyou so much for the reply, it's easy to forget how older vehicles are a bit quirky, especially the clutch and drum brakes, it's what you get used to.

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Re: Tyre Kicker

Post by Rabid Rhino » Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:32 pm

Hateful things to drive but just walking away or towards knowing its yours it well worth it.
Looking over the bonnet, seeing the front wheel arch as you bounce noisily down the road....
Its the gear shift that I hate.
Everything else is.... well..... meh, to be expected from such a basic utilitarian 38 year old vehicle.

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