temp guage or temp sender

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temp guage or temp sender

Post by jibb » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:34 pm

hi here i have a sj 410 santana with a g13a engine in and the temperature guage doesnt work.

i tried searching but couldnt really find anything to do with if its working or not.

can i check the resistance of the temp sender to see if its working and how can i test the guage?

thank guys im sure you will point me in the right direction!

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Re: temp guage or temp sender

Post by Jay18 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:46 pm

surely someone will give you a part number or something and to check the gauge works just remove the wire from the sender and put it to earth (hold the wire on the engine somewhere with a good ground) with the engine running and the gauge should rise but I'm sure Darrel will have the resistance check for it as he's had a lot of diagrams that have helped me...
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Re: temp guage or temp sender

Post by Darrell » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:59 pm

The basic test procedure with a light bulb will let you know what's going on. If the lightbulb comes on/glows you know there is power to the gauge and that the gauge coil is not broken. The gauge needle should also move. This indicates that the sender is not working.
If the light does not come on/glow then there is no power to the gauge or the gauge coil is open circuit (broken). This needs checking with a multimeter then to see if power is getting to the gauge in the first place. The gauge can also be tested with the meter to see if the coil winding is still there. I have no idea what resistance the multimeter would read but basically if you get a resistance the coil is still intact.
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Re: temp guage or temp sender

Post by jibb » Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:59 pm

Thanks for the info guys really great will test it out tomorrow night!!

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