Its time for a new timing belt..

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Its time for a new timing belt..

Post by JonL » Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:05 pm

I was hoping for a bit of advice on if I should attempt a timing belt change on my wife's 2001 GV 2.0 TD. I've discovered it's an RF engine and have found various suppliers for the belt but the prices vary wildly from £9.99 - £40 for the actual belt and then there's an option to buy a 'kit' which includes lots of other stuff like rollers, bolts etc etc.
So for an average DIYer (good enough to change a timing belt on your average engine) but with no specialised tools or garage equipment - should I attempt this and if so would it be recommended to buy the 'kit' or just the belt?
Are there any recommended belt manufacturers or any to avoid? I think the £10 belt I saw was made by Dayco....

any help greatly recieved.

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Re: Its time for a new timing belt..

Post by Darrell » Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:49 pm

Welcome to the club.
It looks quite a bit of work , what with all the belts , but it looks straightforward (easy for me to say not doing the job) :D
I've uploaded the Diesel section from the workshop manual so you can have a better look at what's involved (hope it's correct). ... 0200000000

As regards the kit it's the tensioner pulley that may be needed. If it's done the miles it may be better to replace it due to the work involved in getting to it. However if the belt is being replaced due to age and the mileage is low you can still use the tensioner pulley if it's spins freely and quietly.
Hope that's some help.
2005-GV 1600se, "Hell" What do I know!

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Re: Its time for a new timing belt..

Post by JonL » Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:38 am

Hi Darrell
Many thanks for the reply and thanks for the welcome

It's a 2001 and this is the first timing belt change - Low mileage as only just passing 65k - hence why I think it's time to change now - MoT next month and they always rev the nuts off it so recommend a change beforehand if due.
I think I'll go for a kit then as it seems worth changing the other components while it's in bits - is there a preferred supplier or would an ebay option suit?
I couldn't open the link you sent not sure why - but thanks all the same
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Re: Its time for a new timing belt..

Post by Darrell » Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:41 am

Can't think why that PDF file didn't open or download :er:
Don't think the guys on here use any specific brands of belts. Not aware of any being inferior either :thumbup: . I will admit I've got genuine Suzuki on mine (well the GV anyway).
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Re: Its time for a new timing belt..

Post by dan_2k_uk » Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:27 am

Errrr. If it looks like a belt and its the correct length then fit it is my opinion.
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Re: Its time for a new timing belt..

Post by JonL » Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:58 am

Many thanks again

I had a quick look yesterday and it looks doable.
Need to take the belts off the front (probably replace those too - and thanks for the downloads fine now (must be me!).
If it's simply taking off the cambelt covers, lining up the marks, bolting down the fuel pump pully and then loosening the tensioner and replacing tensioner\belt - how hard can it be - right? :D

Do haynes (or similar) do a manual for this engine? Not that I follow them much but they're quite good at saying what needs to be done to get at things eg - does the waterpump need to come off or the Rad out ? etc. I hate starting a job and finding that I'm striping most of the engine down just to get to a particular nut :shock:


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